Setup Android IKEv2 StrongSwan

Setting up strongSwan IKEv2 access on Android devices.

The following setup tutorial will guide you through the download, install and setup of the strongSwan app using an IKEv2 connection on Android devices.

Screencast Tutorial

1. Download strongSwan

Download and install the strongSwan App from PlayStore here:

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

2. Download Certificate File

Download the IKEv2 certificate file to your Android device from here and click save, then open: IKEv2 Certificate File

3. Install Certificate

When prompted choose the strongSwan VPN Client Import Certificate option.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

4. Import Certifcate

Click onto ‘Import Certificate’.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

5. Add VPN Profile

Click onto ‘Add VPN Profile’.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

6. Server

Enter your server address details into the ‘Server’ section. Its important that you enter the correct server address, particularly if you have a Dedicated IP account. Please choose the server that corresponds to your Personal IP.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

7. VPN Type

Select IKev2 EAP (Username/Password for the ‘VPN Type’.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

8. Login Details

Enter your VPN login details into the ‘Username and Password’ fields.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

9. CA Certificate

Uncheck the option to ‘Select Automatically’ and click onto ‘Select CA certificate’.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

10. User Certificate

Select ‘User’ certificates.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

11. VPNUK Root CA

Click onto the ‘VPNUK Root CA’ certificate.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

12. Profile name

You can assign any ‘Profile name’ to connection, particularly useful if you have multiple connections.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

13. Save

You can now ‘Save’ this profile.

14. Connect

Click onto the connection profile to ‘Connect’.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

15. Connected

The VPN will now be connected and display a connected symbol in the task bar. You can disconnect the vpn by clicking onto  ‘Disconnect’.

VPNUK strongSwan VPN Client Setup over IKEv2

Troubleshooting Guide

Your VPNUK account should work first time, everytime. If you ever experience any problems with your VPN connection the first thing we urge you to do is contact us on our Live Help service, we can offer instant assistance with all connection issues and get you back online. The following is a basic troubleshooter for the more common issues that can arise from our VPN service.